You don’t get over
IT, you get through IT…
don't get by IT, because you can't get around IT.
IT doesn’t get
better, IT gets different…
Every day, Just
like me,
Grief puts on a new
can I say, life is not fair. I have known that for a very long time, but it
still hits me in the face sometimes. When Heather was diagnosed with cancer we
asked all our friends and followers of the CaringBridge to pray that Heather
would breeze thru treatments and go into remission quickly. Our prayers seemed
to be answered quickly in that while the cancer was aggressive, stage 4, it was
not as bad as her doctor thought it to be. For some strange reason her body was
actually still producing bone marrow, which is unheard of. This was a true gift
from God and answered prayers. We did not go thru treatments without our share
of issues and problems, but they seemed minor, except for the blood clot to her
brain. She had no infections or other hospital stays besides the normal ones
for chemo. I believe this to be because of all the prayer warriors we had
during this time all over the world.
Heather went into the hospital for the last time, we again asked for prayer and
miracles. We begged, and pleaded with God for fast quick healing and that
Heather would be cured and back to herself. That didn’t happen. She kept
getting worse and worse till she died. So why didn’t God heal her? Why my daughter?
Why did God decided not to heal Heather and allow other people to live? I
honestly don’t have an answer for this one other than it was God’s plan. I don’t
understand it and I certainly don’t like it at all. My faith allows me to
understand God’s will and plan is not mine. I also understand that Heather is
in a better place, healed and with her Maker and I need to let go. But don’t
ever tell me that. I don’t want to hear it. PERIOD!!...It doesn’t help me. Also
saying that God needed another angel is a statement that might get you slapped.
I still stand by Nicole Kidman’s statement in Rabbit Hole, “Why didn’t He make
another one? He is God after all!”
is NOT a disorder,
disease or sign of weakness.
is an emotional, physical and spiritual NECESSITY,
price you pay for LOVE.
only cure for GRIEF is to GRIEVE.
what am I bothered by, a friend posted that a young man needed prayer, he was
in extremely critical condition in ICU, possibly not going to make it. This
friend posted again and said that in 48 hours God had been bombarded with
prayers and must be sick of it because this young man has made a remarkable turnaround.
This just hit me the wrong way. I know nothing was meant by it, but it made me
feel that my prayers and prayers of my friends were not heard. Did God turn a
deaf ear to our prayers? If someone recovers are they closer to God? I know, I
know, I know, none of this is true. I am happy for this young man’s family. I
truly am.
really isn’t any different for me when I hear someone survives cancer. Again, I
AM THRILLED…BUT…I wanted Heather to be a success story. I wanted Heather to
survive. She breezed through chemo with no problems, how could this happen. Why
did God allow her to go through all her treatments just to have her die in the
end? Why did my child suffer so much? Here it is four years and I still have
the same questions as I did when she first died. I want to know why! I want to
know why my daughter! Again, do not tell me God has a plan…I KNOW all that and
it doesn’t make it one bit easier.
Sunday May 5th 2013 is International Bereaved Mother’s
Day. It is held every year the Sunday before Mother’s Day. Mother’s Day (and
Father’s Day) is a huge slap and reminder that the child you carried is not
here anymore. It was created by women that had a baby die before they were able
to hold them alive in their arms. We seem to forget the pain of women who
cannot get pregnant, or carry a baby to full term. No, I was fortunate in the fact
that all my pregnancy’s had healthy babies. But Mother’s Day on May 12, 2013 is
the reminder of the missing card, the missing gift and missing child. I do
remember that I have two alive, happy, healthy daughters and a granddaughter.
But like the Good Shepherd, 99 sheep were safe but he went after to one that
was lost. I am thankful for my three girls and my new boys. I have more than
abundant love in my life. But I still want the one I can’t have.
put me on this earth to be a Mother,
just wish it wasn't to be a Grieving Mother.
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