Tuesday, February 1, 2011


STRONG: (Adjective)
a. having, showing, or able to exert great bodily or muscular power; physically vigorous or robust: a strong body
b.accompanied or delivered by great physical, mechanical, etc., power of force:
with one strong blow
c. mentally powerful or vigorous: he may be old but his mind is still strong
d. of great moral power, firmness or courage: strong under temptation
e. aggressive; willful: a strong personality
f. of a designated number: Marines 20,000 strong
g. having powerful means to resist attack, assault, or aggression:  
a strong fortress; a strong defense
Synonyms: mighty, sturdy, potent, capable, steady, firm, secure, unwavering, resolute

" I have weathered colder winters
Longer summers without a drop of rain
Push me in a corner and I'll come out fighting
I may lose but I'll always have my faith--
"Cause I'm country strong
Hard to break
Like the ground I grew up on
You may fool me and I'll fall
But i won't stay down long
"Cause I'm country strong...."
~Country Strong~

I have been told by many people I am the strongest woman they have ever known. I was told by my husband that I am strong like Aunt Margie. (Bill's Mom's sister that has outlived every member of her family-parents, all siblings, husband and son) I consider that to be the biggest honor to be counted as strong as Aunt Margie. Aunt Margie is a nurse...I say is because it never leaves you just because you retire. She took care of her mother, several siblings, husband and several in laws that came to be in her care in their final days. Aunt Margie is a great woman of faith. Everyone knows you don't mess with Aunt Margie. 
Heather with Aunt Margie March 2007
Bill and I used to take a high school group of about 12-16 teens to Chicago for an AWANA event called Varsity USA. This was a 6 day event that we planned and trained for months ahead of time. All the teens on the teams that we took knew you did not mess with Mrs. Coombe. I was strong-mighty, steady, secure, firm, unwavering and resolute in my handling of all situations that came up. I actually had one of the guys ask which side was my good side to stand on. They would always come up to me on that side..if they were on the "wrong" side they would move. They bought bears to win my favor. The girls knew that Mrs. Coombe meant business. They didn't want to get the Mrs. Coombe "look' for any reason. As tough as I appeared, every single one of them knew I loved them and would fight for them.
Varsity USA group April 2002-Jenny and Heather-3rd & 4th
Heather and Katy on the Metro Train
My girls have always known that mom fights for them. I fought teachers, doctors, kids and leadership that treated my girls wrong. I was pushed to my limits and ends with Heather and her cancer. I did it all...beginning with calling the actual lab to get the results, to firing doctors, going against rules and fighting for every last breath that Heather took. She looked to me to know what I was doing and protect her at all costs. I made sure that the hospital understood that nothing was to be done to Heather without my knowledge. Most importantly she was to be treated like a person. Some nurses when the patient is on a vent don't ever talk to them. I made sure after the first few days that I had the nurses that would speak to Heather as if she were awake. That continued till she died. I was aggressive in my protecting of Heather and I still am to Jenn, Wendy and Pea today.
Jenny, Pea and Wendy-Christmas 2010
I have a strong, unwavering God that has been carrying me since I was 10 years old. Many times I didn't know or realize that He was carrying me, but He has been faithful to me. He has been with me through the good and bad times. God and I have not always been on speaking terms and I have been mad at Him. But my faith has never been stronger than it is right now. In the movie "Rabbit Hole" there is a scene where a grieving mom says that "God must have needed another angel, that is why he took our daughter." Nicole Kidman's character looks up and says "why didn't he just make another one? Hum? Hum?..He is God after all..He could have just made one." There are moments when I feel betrayed by God. Why didn't He heal Heather? Why is the murderer on death row still alive and she is gone? By faith, by my faith in God, I know that was not the plan. I am unshakable in my faith in God. 

I have a friend that is closer to me than a sister. We have known each other for 39 years. It actually dawned on me the other day that she is the only living person on this planet that has known me that long. The ONLY one. Below is a conversation we had about faith. S- I hope you don't mind...it really meant so much that you said this to me. I love you forever S....

S: Oh man did it ever...plus that book I read..I know you've been telling me that some things are just not meant for us to know..but now I get it
ME: That is good..that is the faith part..trusting what you cannot see
S: I'm not ready to leave this earth and leave my loved ones behind...but I'm not afraid of where I'm going anymore and I know I have loved ones waiting for me also
ME: that is called assurance..and that is the best part
S: what I don't understand is why now am I "coming to the light" as they say
Me: The only thing I know is that when Bill's mom died..she looked to the corner of the room..I assume that she saw heaven..coming into the light is to behold Christ's glory and "light"
S: for all that you have been through I would have turned my back on God...
but you didn't..and now I can see why

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