Tuesday, June 12, 2012

HE, HIM or let me say JERK Grade A...

Genes, I have learned, do not make a family…
Families are the people that stick around 
through good and bad times.
Sadness is a part of life.
Choosing to be happy and see the glass half full
is a struggle we all must make…*

Of course it is June and you all knew that I would have to mention my biological sperm donor. I am much stronger than I was nearly 6 months ago. I have to say that I barely ever think about HIM at all. I am glad that HE no longer takes any of my precious time or energy. HE isn’t worth my thoughts or time.

I found out that HE told his wife lies and has told everyone in town that I am after his money. I have news for you, if I am after his money or black mailing HIM I kind of have to keep the relationship going and not end it permanently. Kind of hard to wrap my head around that lie. HE also has sort of glossed over the fact of the $30,000 red sports car HE bought me. Lola just goes along with what HE says because that way she doesn’t have to think for herself.
I am hoping that HE is enjoying the decisions HE made for himself. I was the most valued treasure HE could possibly have and HE threw me away for sex. Not only what in the world would I see in a feeble 74 year old man with no teeth, but let alone HE is my father. HE is nothing more than a sexual pervert and deviant. I have no idea how in the world HE thought any of his thoughts were ok but to follow thru and actually try to have sex with me, his own daughter is beyond my comprehension. Life is about choices and there are consequences for those actions, good or bad. HE made choices that HE never should have made and HE should be punished and be serving time in jail for what HE tried to do to me.

My biological sperm donor is a very selfish man, looking only to gratify himself as much as possible while still projecting to the world a selfless and caring man.*

A father is the first male influence in his daughter’s life. A father is supposed to be the kind of man his daughter wants to grow up and marry. Most girls grow up thinking about their dad’s when they are apart and long for time together. This is not always the case, but in most women’s lives this is true. Thank goodness I did not have this man’s influence in my life growing up. I feel very sorry for my siblings who had to endure his anger and lies their entire life. I was the lucky one that was given away.
Gotcha-8 months old
A father’s touch is simply different from day one. They have strong hands and arms to hold the baby daughter safe and secure. Just a touch of his hand can offer security as the daughter gets older as she is scared and reaches out to hold his hand. Daughters carry their father with them even when they are not there. 
Puppy, me and daddy-2 years old
I can honestly say that I had the kind of Daddy I described above and his name was Jimmy J Blake and he died in 1990. He has been removed from my birth certificate and I cannot change that. (But oh how I wish I could) It does not change the fact that the only man who will ever be my Daddy. I miss him a lot recently and I feel badly for ever opening the door to find my biological sperm donor. Actually I regret the day I found either of my parents. I grew up as an only child, no aunt, uncles or cousins, brothers or sisters. It was me and that was it. Now I have a bitch for a birth mother and a pr*#k for a birth father. I also have 9 half brothers and sisters who seem to blame me for what happened and really want nothing to do with me. I have 4 aunts and 2 uncles that never have had anything to do with me and most haven’t even met me. Then I have 30-40 cousins and have not met them either. I have a huge extended family that wants nothing to do with me. Honestly I like it that way. I always dreamed of what having a family would be like, but I don’t anymore. They have managed to shatter the hopes and dreams of a very lonely girl who only wanted to be loved and wanted by her real family.
There is a movie coming out entitled “People Like Us’…based on a true story about a grown man whose father dies and he learns he has a grown half-sister he never knew about. Chris Pine, Olivia Wilde, Michelle Pfeiffer  and Elizabeth Banks are the stars in this film. She remembers her father driving away from her and her mother. I feel this movie is going to hit way to close to my life.  I love the part where she reads her father’s obituary at an AA meeting and it doesn’t mention her and she says, it’s official, I don’t exist!!! That is the story of my life, I don’t and never have existed as far as my family has been concerned.

This is the trailer to the movie….I encourage everyone to go see this heartwarming movie.

With this being said, I will not mention my biological gestational unit or my biological sperm donor again. They are not worth my words, my thoughts or my time. I have more respect for myself than to think about any of them anymore. Which this is very easy to say but the hurt will never go away and the rejection will be there forever.
My 10th Birthday
Genes, I have learned, do not make a family…
*~A Stolen Life~Jaycee Dugard~

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