April 10th-the 101st day of 2012, usually the 100th day but because of Leap Day this year it added a day, there are 265 days left in the year.
Let’s take a look at some great moments in history that happened on April 10th:
In 1790, President George Washington signed into law the first United States Patent Act;
1912, RMS Titanic sets sail for its 1st and last voyage;
In 1925, the novel "The Great Gatsby," by F. Scott Fitzgerald, was first published;
In 1930, Synthetic rubber 1st produced;
In 1945, Allies liberate 1st Nazi concentration camp, Buchenwald, Czechoslovakia;
In 1947, Jackie Robinson becomes 1st black in major league baseball (Dodgers); In 1955, Dr. Jonas Salk successfully tests Polio vaccine;
In 1960, Senate passes landmark Civil Rights Bill;
In 1962, New York Yankee Mickey Mantle hits his 375th home run;
In 1972, U.S., U.S.S.R. and 70 other nations agree to ban biological weapons;
In 1974, Yitzhak Rabin replaces resigning Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir;
In 1989, Intel corp announces shipment of 80-486 chip;
In 1991, Last automat (coin operated cafeteria) closes at
(3rd and 42nd St, New York City);
In 1995, New York City bans smoking in all restaurants that seat 35 or more.
Famous people who died on April 10:
In 1962, Stuart Sutcliffe, bassist (Beatles), dies of brain hemorrhage at 21
In 1991, Natalie Schafer, actress (Gilligan's Island), dies at 90 from cancer;
In 1992, Sam Kinison, American comedian, dies in a car crash
In 1996, Jessica Dubroff, attempting to be youngest pilot, dies in crash at 7
In 2000, Larry Linville, actor, M*A*S*H TV show, dies form cancer
In 2010, Dixie Carter- American actress
Famous people born on April 10:
Actor Omar Sharif is 80.
Sportscaster John Madden is 76.
Actor Steven Seagal is 61.
Rock singer-musician Brian Setzer is 53.
Singer Mandy Moore is 28.
Actor Haley Joel Osment is 24.
As a parent I expected all the bumps and bruises that came our way. What I didn’t expect was cancer to invade my 20 year old daughter. Four little words can change your life; your daughter has cancer!! Today is the four year anniversary of those very words. I remember the day like it was yesterday. The details of the day are still so clear. Somehow the details of such an event don’t seem to fade very quickly and I have heard that traumatic events like this stays very very clear for a very very long time.
As a parent I expected all the ups and downs that came our way. What I didn’t expect was my daughter to be in ICU, on a vent after breezing thru chemo. Four little words can change your life; your daughter is critical!! Today is the three year anniversary of spending the cancer diagnosis in ICU. Dr. Fastenberg had no words to say to me. He was very honest with me when he said four little words; she isn’t getting better!! It was the first time I heard a doctor tell me she was not getting any better at all. I began to understand at that moment things were worse than my mind could comprehend.
As a parent I expected all the trials and tribulations that came our way. What I didn’t expect was to ever lose a child. After cancer and ICU the four little words that have changed my life are; YOU CAN’T SCARE ME!! I have faced some of the scariest things someone can face in their lifetime. Cancer, extreme chemo and ICU are very scary. But lay next to you daughter and hold her hand as she takes her last breath. Nothing can come close to that. It is something no parent especially a mother should ever have to do. I relate very much to Sally Field’s character in Steel Magnolias more every time I watch it. Here below she is describing when her daughter died:
M'Lynn: “I find it amusing. Men are supposed to be made out of steel or something. I just sat there. I just held Shelby's hand. There was no noise, no tremble, just peace. Oh god. I realize as a woman how lucky I am. I was there when that wonderful creature drifted into my life and I was there when she drifted out. It was the most precious moment of my life.”
While the moment that Heather died is horrible and terrible and awful, at least I was given the opportunity to be with her when she died. Many parents are not allowed to share that moment as their children have died in accidents or violence in some way and they were not there. I cannot imagine the horror of being told your child is gone; you did not have the chance to say any last words. Nothing was left unsaid to her. So as horrible as it was I am thankful that I was there when she died.
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Halloween Princess-2007 |
Today has been bittersweet as one of Heather’s dear friends had her first baby girl today. While I am thrilled to know that the baby is healthy and safe, I can’t help but have a small heart tug as to what might have been for Heather’s future. When you lose a child you lose your future; you future grandchildren and future events spent as a whole family. As it is always said, life goes on..and that is as it should be.
Today was also very sad as I learned that Kody died today. I have never met Kody, but he was the inspiration for me to begin Heather’s Birthday Blood Drives. He has a wonderful friend named Elle who organized a blood drive in honor of his birthday and his survival of brain cancer. I have never met Elle either but she prompted me to do something useful for the community on Heather’s birthday. So, in 2 years, Heather’s blood drives have donated over 90 units of blood to the state of Arizona. I would say that is a very good legacy. Kody fought a valiant fight but in the end, he was not able to fight any longer and he went to join too many other young people who have died from this horrible disease.
Today is just a blah day. Don’t feel really anything and trying to keep busy so my mind does not wonder to the places that I don’t want it to be. All the memories of that day and the words and feelings are still so close to the surface. If I give them even a slight entrance into my mind they will consume me totally. I am going to the gym to hopefully gain some good endorphins. I also have my precious snookie here for the evening. She brings such joy to my soul and life. She is beyond the light of my existence. She makes my heart happy…
I have learned in these past four years that YOU CAN’T SCARE ME and I AM A SURVIVOR!!! Despite what comes my way, I am not sure that anything could rock my world the way four years ago and three years ago did. I am sure there could be horrible awful things come my way, but YOU CANT’ SCARE ME!! with anything now…
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