Saturday, February 2, 2013

Dear Clueless...

Dear Clueless
I would like to share with you my pain but that isn't possible unless you have lost a child yourself and that I wouldn't want you to have to experience. So with that being said, I would like to say this. I will try to my best to understand you if you try to understand me. I lost my child. My life will never be the same. I will never be the same again. I will be different from now on. I no longer have the same feelings about anything. Everything in my life has changed from the moment my child left to go to heaven. I will, on some days be very sad and nothing you say will changes that so don’t feel like it is your job to make me feel better on those days, just allow me to be where I am.
I would love to hear the words Momy I am home!!!
When you lose a child you not only lose your reason for living, you lose the motivation to go on. You also lose your sense of self. It takes a long time to come to some kind of understanding for why this has happened, if ever. Of course we who have lost children know we have to go on but we don't want to hear someone else tell us too. Especially from someone who has not lost a child. It makes me and anyone who has lost a child want to say who are you to tell me that? Did you bury your child? I don't want this to sound like I don't appreciate everything you say because I know you mean well, but I just want you to appreciate where I am coming from too. I want you to understand that some of the things you say hurt me and others like me without you really knowing it. I know it must be pretty hard to talk to people like myself, not knowing what to say. That is why I am writing this letter. 
Do not ever say any of these...these do not help or console at all...
If you don't know what to say, say nothing or just say I'm sorry. That always works for me. If you want to talk and say my child’s name feel free I would love to hear her name ANYTIME!! You not saying her name didn't make me forget it, or what happened to her. So by all means say her name. When special dates come or holidays come please forgive me if I'm not myself. I just can't keep it up on those days. I may wish to be by myself so I can think about my child without putting on a front. Most of all I want you to know I'm having a hard time with the death of my child and I am trying my very best to get back into life again. Some days it may look like I have accomplished that, and other days like I am at square one. 
This will happen for the rest of my life periodically. There are just no words to explain the living hell this feels like. There are no words that could ever do it justice. So please bear with me and give me time and don't put your own timetable on my grief and let me be the person I am now and not have to live up to the person you think I should be. Allow me my space and time and accept me for me. I will try my best to understand you.

Love, Your Friend in Grief
Thank you to my dear friends who have supported me...
I never take for granted the true friends and support that I have...

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