Friday, August 3, 2012

My Angel's Lullaby...

God had something to say
So He sent an angel my way
A princess to love
Directly from heaven above

Violet is so happy and carefree
No greater love could there be
As she grows from day to day
I know God sent an angel my way…
Princess Pea
Written June 25, 2008God has an amazing sense of humor. In the midst of everything going on with Heather...we have had another bit of news...our youngest daughter Wendy is pregnant. are we doing? I firmly believe that this baby is a gift from GOD. HE did not make a mistake. HE knew about the baby and planned for this baby. It is not the way we wanted to have a grand baby....but the point is that we ARE having a grand baby. So, right or wrong....I am very excited about this baby.
Violet going home day
2 weeks old watching the Suns
Yes, our news is a shock....have we had more than enough...why is GOD punishing us....HE is not punishing us.....we are having a beautiful baby next March. We will find out what the baby is just about the time that Heather is finishing treatments. Bill and I are going to be grandparents, Heather and Jenn are going to be Aunts. What is done is done and we cannot change the outcome. many Mimi's get to have their grand-baby around 24/7. Mimi is my name...spoiling is my game!!!
Violet and Momma sleeping
Aunt Missy with Pea-right before life changed forever
I hope I am not shocking everyone with my attitude...If you do not know my situation....I was adopted. I am not a mistake. I love this baby and I love my baby Wendy, as I love Heather and Jenn as well. Please understand and be happy for us. I have already bought 3 outfits of neutral color for my grand baby.
Creamer baby
Is this really a time in the morning?
These were my thoughts when I first heard about my Snookie being in her Momma’s tummy. Having the past I had I would never ever even consider for a moment about giving a baby away. I would adopt the baby before that would ever happen in my family. From the moment I heard about a baby coming I loved that baby…
Cracker head
Abby Kadabby for Halloween?
Written February 10, 2009... Violet Rayne Coombe is here making her debut at 5:51 pm on February 10th, tipping the scales at 5 pounds 7 ounces. She has lots of dark hair and is beautiful. Wendy and Violet are both healthy and happy with the new living arrangements. Well, maybe Violet is not too happy right now.

The whole family was there..Mimi, Papa, Aunt Jenny and Aunt Missy. There was not a dry eye in the room. Lots of happy tears. Wendy was so great. Mimi got to cut the cord.
Cool cat
Apple juice is the best
This was the post from the day Snookie was born. It was a very great day and one of the last “best” days we had as a family all together. In just a few short weeks things would change forever. Snookie will never remember her Aunt Missy but she will know how very much Aunt Missy loved her and was planning on spoiling her rotten.
waiting for pizza at Peter Piper
1st Birthday
Not many Mimi’s get to have their first granddaughter live in their home for the first almost 3 years of their life. As much work as it was at times I would not trade a single moment of it. (ok snookie throwing up on me yes I would change) I got to feed her, give her a bath and put her to bed many nights. It began at a very young age that Snookie would wrap her fingers in my long hair to go to sleep. She has always played with her hair or someone’s hair to put herself to sleep from day one. She still to this day will ask me to take my “kitty tail” out so she can have my hair. The nights of laying in her bed and her playing with my hair to fall asleep with are gone unless she stays the night with Mimi.
Hey Mimi what is in the pink bag??
Pea meltdown in the kitchen-good thing Mimi was here
I can’t begin to express what Snookie means to me. She was life and love in a very dark time. She was happiness and joy in a very difficult time. She was also the reason why most of us in the house continued to get up each day in the beginning. She was our families life raft. That is a very huge responsibility for a tiny baby girl of 2 months and 10 days old. She was too young to remember the dark days in the beginning  but she was the focus of our attention to remember what life is about.
Mimi snuggles
Mimi and Pea make a Hello Kitty
Look how pretty I am
Most grandparents think their grandchildren are the most special in the world. They would be right of course. Every grandchild is just that. But Snookie was given something extra special and the bond that I have with her is something that I cherish and will cherish the rest of my life. She fills the hurt in my heart with her smile, her hug, her running to me and saying “my Mimi and simply by being here. A friend of mine who lost a child also had a grandchild a few weeks before her daughter died. She agrees that they are HOPE!!! Much needed hope when everything in your world turns upside down.
I LOVE rice/beans
Am I really suppose to sit here?
I look forward to having more grandchildren one day. I imagine it is like having a baby, when you have one you can’t imagine loving another one. But the moment the next one is here the heart stretches and you love them just as much. Snookie will always be a connection with the OLD me…she won’t remember the OLD me just the NEW me. Her age will be the year count as to how long Heather has been gone. There will always be a connection.
Sick Pea sleeping on Mimi
Ipad in Mimi's bed-perfect
I hope Snookie remembers coming to Mimi’s house and taking a bath every night, brown milk in the square box, how Mimi’s fridge always has brown milk and apple juice, chicken nuggets, bubbles, princesses, playing with Mimi’s hair, painting nails, reading books, riding in red Kitty truck, getting surprises, but most importantly I hope she remembers that she is the love of my life, the joy to my world and I love her to the moon and back…
Snuggled down in covers at Disneyland
Mimi and Snookie at Small World
Mimi and Snookie at the park
Take a sprinkling of magic fairy dust
And an angel's white feather
Add a dash of loving care
Then mix them all together
Add a sweet sentiment or two
Some stardust, ground down fine
What you'll get is a fantastic
Granddaughter, just like mine...
I see you Aunt Missy!!
 Midnight moonlight shining through the curtain lace
Paints a perfect picture on your perfect face
One sweet angel sleeping in my arms
You are the promise I knew God would keep
You are the gift that makes my world complete

And you'll never know how much I love you

But I'll keep on telling you my whole life through
Now I believe in miracles, and you're the reason why
So dream on while I sing you my angel's lullaby
 ~My Angel's Lullaby~Reba~

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