Heather was not interested in the Twilight Saga. Heather felt that Jenn had corrupted me into a Harry Potter fan. And that Twilight was just the latest in the read a book over and over and then watch the movie group. I waited till I finished Twilight before I went to see the movie. I was hooked on both. Jenn and I attempted to get Heather to go with us but she refused. Told us vampires are too scary.
One Coombe Family tradition is that on Thanksgiving Eve and Christmas Eve we go see a movie. Mostly because no one is in the theater. Everyone is doing the family things. Last year John and Wendy went to his family for Christmas Eve Day, but they would be back later that evening. Bill, Jenn, Heather and I all decided to spend the day at the movies. The first time ever to see back to back movies. To fit the times so we did not have too much wait time we say Jim Carrey in Yes Man first then went to see Twilight.
Heather said that she was Bella. The pain white skin, not fitting in, not athletic. She also believed that if Edward really existed he could bite her and she would be cured forever. She joked about how she would smell funny with all the blood transfusions. She told me many times that Edward could be the new cure for leukemia. Her last stay in the hospital she kept waiting for Edward…either from Twilight or Enchanted. She thought either one would do nicely.
Heather read 3 out of four books. She devoured them. The final book she borrowed from Jenn. She read the first little bit…up to the wedding. She kept asking me what happened. I would not tell her. The last week in ICU I played the audio version of Breaking Dawn for Heather 2 times. I am not sure how much she got of it. It made me feel better knowing she was hearing her book.
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